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5th Carlton Beavers go camping again!

Saturday afternoon and our first beaver camp since forever, we had already decided it was

Paralympic theme after a log chew last term. We started by making the logo before heading out on a hike to a local nature reserve, the beavers had so much fun walking through the woods and deciding which was best way to keep safe.

Making it to the play park they were set a challenge to finding a way to make the park wheelchair friendly, back at HQ they put these plans into lego form.

Then the fun began eating a doughnut of a string without using hands and making angel delight blindfolded. BBQ for dinner, smores and camp fire songs all before making their beds, teeth brushed, bedtime story before film snuggled down in sleeping bags before lights out.

Sunday bright and early a few weary eyes but gold medal pancakes for breakfast soon got their energy leaves up again. On to seated football and bocca . Closing ceremony was held gold medals handed out and badges awarded. It was great to be able to offer the opportunity to the younger beavers who had never slept away from family before, can’t wait for the deep!


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