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Assessing Risk


As you all know writing risk assessments for scouting activities is set to become a big talking point this year, and Central Notts are here to help!

Sadly we can't write them for you, but to make your life easier, we are creating this tool is in it's infancy at the moment, but in time, we aim to make it the one stop shop for any of you who need to write risk assessments for activities, events, buildings, and anything else you can think of.

To start with, we have created a repository containing templates, and already published Risk Assessments for you to use, and if you wish, to contribute to, and in time we hope to have every activity you can think of categorised to speed up and give you inspiration for planning your activities safely.

Templates can be found here, including a new, streamlined activity specific Risk Assessment which should be easier to fill in than the basic scout one.

Stay tuned for more developments!


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