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Volunteers Week - Saturday

You don't have to commit to every week, every camp or every fundraiser to be a Scout volunteer.

Occasional helpers are a really important part of our team. When you can't commit to a regular task but can be there 'as and when', especially for the things you like doing, occasional volunteering offers a flexible way to enrich young lives.

Occasional helpers, are just that, people who help out occasionally to make sure Scouts happens. Whether you are the trailer tower, the sandwich maker, the newsletter author or the nominated point of contact for updates during a trip away, your input is invaluable.

• you don't have to have children in Scouting • you don't need to come every week • you don't have to wear uniform or make a promise • you can pick and choose what you help us with • you do need to let us know you are willing

So thank you to all of the fantastic Occasional Helpers in Central Notts!


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