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Scouting is moving to Yellow!

From today Scouting across the England will be meeting under the Yellow Readiness Level guidance.

What does Yellow Readiness Level mean?

Activities: involving young people: no limit on group size but remain as only one section meeting independently of others. Indoor activities will be limited by the size of the location given social distancing remains.

Scout Network

Programmed activities (non social) are able to take place for 30 people maximum.

Adult activities (non-social) with no young people present

Adults may meet in small groups for the purposes of providing the charity’s purpose. Full details in getting adults involved again guidance.

Residential activities

Nights away activities may take place with a maximum of 6 people within the group (including young people, volunteers and carers). COVID measures such as social distancing and good hygiene remain in place (even overnight), groups must remain independent of others and lateral flow testing must take place immediately prior to departure and every 48-72hrs throughout the trip and upon return.


Do I need to resubmit my Risk Assessment to move to Yellow?

If when moving from one level to another, if the COVID-safe controls and the way you do things do not change, this does not require re-submission. Equally if you have already had your risk assessment approved, then suspended your activities, when you resume you do not have to have this resubmitted for approval if nothing has changed.

Nights Away Approval Process

The Association have changed the COVID-safe approval process for nights away. Camps or Residentials taking place whilst areas are in YELLOW must have COVID hazards and controls included within the event risk assessment with is submitted along with the Nights Away Notification form.


This will then be checked by someone within the District and any over night event requires DC approval but does not need to go through the restart risk assessment smartsheet process.


Those organising camps or residentials MUST show how they comply with current government guidance on numbers, social distancing and safe use of accommodation and sleeping areas.


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