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We want to hear your view!

Now is your chance to get involved in the annual Scout Experience Survey to help us understand and improve support for all volunteers and young people. Previous feedback has helped us develop new digital services, improve programme materials and training resources.

We realise this past year has been unlike any other we’ve ever faced. The COVID-19 pandemic has touched us all in so many different ways and we understand that it has been a challenging time for so many. Some Scouts groups were able to continue online, while others haven’t.

However, it’s really important that we hear from you, even if you haven’t been as active as normal, to help us keep supporting you as best we can.

The survey is open to all Adults, parents/carers and young people (aged 10+), currently involved with Scouts, as well as anyone who may have left in the past 12 months.

To take part in the survey, please visit:


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