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Central Notts Celebrate VE Day

Some of you will be aware that Friday the 8th of May is Victory in Europe (VE) day.

VE day is a day celebrating the formal acceptance, by the Allies of World War II, of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces on May the 8th 1945. Upon the defeat of Germany, celebrations erupted throughout the western world, especially in Great Britain and North America. More than one million people celebrated in the streets throughout Great Britain to mark the end of the European part of the war.

This year marks 75 years since this historic event and should have been a day when the nation came together to celebrate. A lot of the celebrations planned for this occasion have had to be cancelled or postponed due to the current lockdown situation however we will not be defeated and there are still lots of different ways to celebrate without leaving your home.

Here at Central Notts we will be doing our bit in the following ways: 1. This week's #TheGreatIndoors challenges will all have a VE day theme and will be working towards the celebrations at the end of the week. 2. Taking part in the stay at home street party celebrations on Friday (keep your eyes peeled for more information on this). 3. Taking part in the "Nation's toast to WWII heroes" on Friday at 3pm (see our Facebook event for more details about this).

We would love as many people as possible to join us in these celebrations and also share with us any other celebrations you may be taking part in.


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