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Virtual Presentations in Central Notts

Monday 11th May, saw a first for Central Notts Scouts, as it was the very first online Award Presentation. Explorer Scout, Cameron, had completed all of his Young Leader Modules shortly before face-to-face Scouting was suspended due to COVID-19. Just one week later, Sophie and Olivia from Gemini Explorers were also presented with their Young Leader Belt buckles and certificates.

Under normal circumstances such awards would be presented in person, at section meetings, however the current situation has rendered that as not being possible. However, still wanting to recognise the achievements that these young people had made, Central

Notts District Commissioner Daniel Bolstridge arranged to virtually present all of the Explorers with their awards over the Internet.

Unfortunately it wasn't possible to present all 3 Explorers with their Awards at the same time, but for each presentation the Explorers and Daniel were joined by Stuart Thorpe, District Explorer Scout Commissioner, alongside their Leaders who congratulated each member following the presentation.

Congratulations Cameron, Sophie and Olivia on completing all of your Young Leader Modules and in turn gaining Young Leaders Award. We look forward to seeing you take up your next Scouting adventure soon.


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