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A new Necker, with lots of history

At their Annual General Meeting on Monday 18th July, 1st Daybrook and Woodthorpe Scout Group unveiled their new Group Necker. Consisting of Navy Blue, Maroon, Yellow and Green this new Necker is steeped in history, despite the group being set up in 2015.

1st Daybrook Scouts was founded in 1920, but disbanded in the 1920’s. It was re-formed in 1930 and continued to run through the difficult times of the war and into the 1990’s. 1st Daybrook Scouts wore a green and yellow coloured scarf.

2nd Woodthorpe Scout Group was based here at the Church of the Good Shepherd and was founded on 24th July 1947. It sadly closed down in 1954 but re-opened again in 1961. In Autumn 1982 the Group Scout Leader of the time died whilst on a pilgrimage in the Holy Land. The Scout group closed at around that time, leaving only the Cub section. An attempt to re-open the Scout section in 1990 was not successful. The group itself closed in October 2011. 2nd Woodthorpe Scout Group wore a maroon and yellow coloured scarf.

1st Daybrook and Woodthorpe Scout was founded on 13th January 2015 by District (and now County) Commissioner Steven Tupper in an effort to reduce waiting lists in the Woodthorpe area, as well as draw membership form nearby Daybrook which lacked a Scout group. The Beaver section opened with a half dozen or so members and those members included some of our Scouts who are still with the group today! At the time of their inception, 1st Daybrook and Woodthorpe had a dark blue scarf – principally because there were spare stock of them available in the District to keep opening costs down!

The Group were are absolutely honoured, with the assistance of grants from Cllrs Michael Payne and Ron and Viv McCrossen, that they have been able to unit this glorious heritage stretching back over 100 years as we unveil the new scarf of 1st Daybrook and Woodthorpe Scout Group! Set on the dark blue currently in use, it is bordered by three bands, the maroon, yellow and green of our founding predecessors from whom we draw our name.

After the unveiling, Central Notts District Commissioner Daniel Bolstridge formally presented the new Group Necker to Tom (1st Daybrook and Woodthorpe Group Scout Leader), Danielle (who had the idea to undertake the research and redesign of the Necker keeping the history and heritage) and James (who took the idea to the Scouts to get their views on the final design).

The Group also placed special thanks to John Stevenson, who undertook excellent research on the histories of the previous Scout Groups that has given us this fantastic insight.

So at the next District event, keep an eye out for the new D&W Necker!


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