Zachary from 1st Calverton Beavers is quickly becoming an internet sensation with his YouTube channel ‘The Dyslexia Detective’.
At just 8 years old, Zachary wanted to help people understand dyslexia and how amazing it is, so he set to work by creating a YouTube channel. The channel currently has over 200 subscribers, and one video has already gained over 1.3k views in just under a month!
In addition to creating content reviewing locations and products, Zachary has also created a ’10 Tips for Beaver, Cub and Scout Leaders video, which can be used to help our Adult Volunteers plan their activities to ensure that all young people are able to gain #SkillsForLife.
Why not take a look at the Dyslexia Detective today, by visiting https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH4O4AtdvgQr7UOZk4QM2Vg and see if you can learn some new skills and teaching techniques.